Why it's worth being a member?
Events and meetings aimed to spread news, competencies, and communication:
• Members of cluster have the opportunity to find out about good practice from other companies and apply it in their own;
• Opportunity to initiate mutual projects and business activities, related to purchase, supply, or other activities of interest;
• Development of organisation activities process (meetings take place according to the principle of rotation);
• Consultations about confronting any daily activity problem (e.g. when releasing a new product a consultation about product labeling is needed).
- United participation in exhibitions, resulting in decreased expenses;
- Membership forms a good image for your organisation (public relations) through partnership and collaboration with other organisations;
- Advertisement tools for own communication;
- Sharing important information and collaboration between cluster members using mutual communication tools;
- Opportunity to generate new EU project ideas, support from experienced project promoters, easier partner approachability, and reliance, forming new business ideas while communicating with each other;
- Joint marketing activities and costs for promoting mutually developed wellness products and services;
- Health technology cluster iVita is active and widely known as a good practice example, this can have a positive influence on getting approval for new EU funding applications (health technology cluster iVita is represented as one of the best examples in Lithuania);
- Recognition and visibility of cluster in Lithuania and on an international level (at the moment cluster coordinator strives to increase cluster's recognition outside Lithuania by implementing a project funded by the Baltic Sea Region “BRS Stars” financing tool “Innovation Express” programme and through other effective marketing tools);
- Increasing network of contacts: opportunity to use connections between clusters economy subjects in their network of connections;
- Opportunity to attend various workshops and seminars with smaller fees (e.g.: opportunity to organise group training with an external expert, inviting other cluster members to take part in a specific seminar);
- Various publicity increase tools for cluster while forming a good image about your organisation and mutual partnership with other companies;
- Open resource infrastructure and competence centr for trsining and education;
- Time well spent while pursuing mutual aim – making the community healthier.