Summary of the report “Lithuanian Clusterization, 2017”
Lithuanian Clusters Association presents the report “Lithuanian Clusterization Study 2017”, prepared by the Research Institute for Changes (RICh), within the project "Promotion and development of Innovation Networking - InoLink" (project no 01.2.1.-LVPA-V-842-01- 0002).
The aim of the study is to identify the potential and possibilities of the enterprises to join the clusters and foster maturity of existing clusters in the market; to identify the most viable sectors for clusterization; to define and predict clusterization trends and prospects; to assess the clusters’ abilities to enter international clusters and to evaluate the effectiveness of support measures.
Based on the review of scientific literature, analysis of official documents, studies and statistical data, survey the cluster coordinators’ and semi-structured expert evaluation, the report adresses the following areas:
- Trends and perspectives of Lithuanian clusterization
- Potential and possibilities of enterprises to form clusters and to mature the existing clusters on the market
- Most viable sectors for clusterization
- Potential of clusters to join into international clusters
- Assessment of effectiveness of support measures
- Recommended criteria and indicators for the assessment of clusterization processes
- Proposals for promotion of clusterization process
- Proposals for cluster activity monitoring
Please find attached the summary of the report or read the original document here.