iVita cluster members meeting "Change management in an organisation"
The Annual Meeting of iVita cluster members is being held on the 5th of June 2020 at TonyResort. The event was organised by cluster coordinator UAB "De Futuro", the event attracted 34 participants.
The theme for the event was "Change management in an organisation". At the beginning cluster manager, Diana Vertelkienė has talked about cluster activities and presented ERASMUS+ project “Fostering the innovation in the European habitat and e-health sectors through the Public Procurement of Innovative solutions to improve the European SMEs competitiveness”(HAePPI) already implemented activities. The purpose of the presentation was to introduce members to pre-commercial procurement (PCP) and public procurement of innovation (PPI), to show participating companies' examples. It's very important to help members to be active in the creation of innovative solutions and to help companies to change in this hard period facing with COVID-19 virus. The pandemic situation showed e-health solutions importance when we are talking about safe distance, communication, and health. So PCP and PPI instruments could be very useful for SMEs if they want to reach new markets, be innovative, and profitable.
In the second part of the event lecturer Lauras Balaiša has presented changing management. How to face changes, how to react, and how to keep our team together in this changing period.
Meeting moments: