European Clusters Panorama 2021
The European Commission on the 16 December 2021 has published the 2021 edition of the European Cluster Panorama.
European Cluster Panorama report presents the state of play of clusters in Europe and the role they play in fostering resilient, green and digital industrial ecosystems in regional economies. The report gives a comprehensive picture of the concentration of economic activity and cluster organisations in EU countries based on sectoral data for employment and value-added across the 14 European industrial ecosystems identified in the updated Industrial Strategy.
The report comes with an interactive mapping tool, which maps over 1,000 cluster organisations, and inspiring examples of policies and practices to support clusters' mission through a Policy Toolkit. Clusters represent about 25% of EU employment and are located across 201 regions in Europe. Over 80% of European cluster organisations support companies in their digital transition and more than 60% support the green transition. The Commission integrates and activates clusters through the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, which supports collaboration among clusters, internationalisation, matchmaking, access to public and private funding, communication and advisory services.
Read more here.