Workshop in Riga: "Cluster Internationalisation: Why and how to do it?"
Wellness cluster iVita coordinator Diana Vertelkienė participated in workshop "Cluster Internationalisation: Why and how to do it?" (Riga, 2-3 JUNE 2016).
The workshop offered new knowledge, networking and new ideas about internationalisation.
Workshop key questions were answered:
-Why do clusters work with internationalisation?
-How to understand the need for internationalisation in your cluster?
-What are the competences in the cluster secretariat, the financing and the key stakeholders for making this happen?
-How to develop the international strategy?
-How to implement - what are the experiences when it comes to specific activities and projects?
-How to maintain the international network and the activities?
Workshop has attracted more than 60 participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, France, Italy, Hungary, Norway and Sweeden.
More information about event you will find here.